What are the links between diet and the menopause?

Menopause is simply a pause for some of us in our 40s and 50s. For others, it’s a giant full stop! As our bodies undergo massive changes, our youthful health and well-being can often take a sudden plunge. However, women’s experience in different parts of the world can vary hugely. In Japan, even the word […]
Viruses, Vitamin D levels and Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common neurological diseases, is progressive and affects 2.8 million people worldwide. In addition, MS is the most common disabling neurological (affecting the nerves) disease in young adults (20-40 years old). Shockingly more than 9,000 people live with Multiple Sclerosis in Ireland, and it affects women twice as […]
What serum level of Vitamin D should I aim for?

Looking back to the early 20th century, it became known that vitamin D deficiency, brought about by lack of sunlight, caused rickets in young children. Rickets manifests as weaker bones, malformations and stunted growth, and is very painful. Supplementing with cod liver oil, high in Vitamin D, was therapeutic in correcting this condition. Surprisingly rickets […]