COVID-19 Recommendations: Part 1

Food is our Front Line Defence

Food is essentially code for our genes and nutrition is a key factor in strengthening our bodies and allowing us to mount a defence against the virus. Robert Lustig, Professor of Paediatric Endocrinology at the University of California and Chairman of the Institute of Responsible Nutrition said “I’ve recently heard COVID-19 referred to as a […]
Our Miraculous Immune System

The human body has been created with an extremely efficient, self-organising, immune system that may be either compromised or optimised by the choices we make in lifestyle, dietary habits, and nutritional status. The world around us has all the foods, nutrients and elements required to thrive. Under conditions of stress, emotional, physical or mental, […]
COVID-19 is exposing cracks in our health

Our daily media reports of mortality statistics implicate underlying health conditions or comorbidities as a significant factor in those patients who have struggled or failed to survive the attack of the coronavirus. In Ireland today we are seeing rising rates of chronic illness with over 1 million people impacted according to the HSE ( Health […]
How the Virus Hacks the Human Body

Viral infections are caused by airborne droplets, produced by coughing or sneezing by an infected person, that then enter the nose and mouth of a vulnerable person, who may either resist or succumb to the infective capabilities of the droplet containing virus. Public Health Policy recommends that facial contact with hands should be resisted or […]
Naturally rejuvenating your Immune System to combat COVID-19

The biggest thing on everyone’s minds in Ireland and around the world right now is Covid-19. The Coronavirus crisis has killed hundreds of thousands, incapacitated millions and affected the livelihoods of billions of people. On March 11 th 2020, the World Health Organisation, declared the worldwide spread of Covid-19, the viral disease caused by the […]